Professor Caroline Fournet wrote on visibility of scars of war in the judgements of the ICTY

Professor Caroline Fournet wrote a short contribution titled “La visibilité des stigmates de la guerre à Mostar, Banja Luka et Sarajevo dans les jugements du Tribunal Pénal pour l’ex-Yougoslavie (The visibility of the scars of war in Mostar, Banja Luka and Sarajevo in the judgments of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia)” as part of a special issue of the Revue Historique des Armées – published by the Service Historique de la Défense, Ministère des Armées (France) – on ‘The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina: actors, territories and temporalities of the violence’.

A full text of the contribution can be accessed here.

Photo: Arek Socha