Laura is a PhD Candidate in Advanced Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences (CLES/ Human Geography) at the University of Exeter, exploring judicial training in the field of asylum and refugee law. In a mixed-methods evaluation approach she seeks to understand how training supports judges in the task of adjudicating appeals in the UK‘s First-tier Immigration and Asylum Chamber (FtTIAC). She is a sociologist by training (MA Newcastle University, BA University of Mannheim) and has previous work experience in policy evaluation at the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) in Bonn, Germany.
Select Outputs
L. Scheinert and E. Tonkin. “Towards Ethical Judicial Analytics: Assessing Readability of Immigration and Asylum Decisions in the United Kingdom”. In Marreiros, G., Melo, F., Lau, N., Lopes Cardoso, H. and Reis, L. (eds). Progress in Artificial Intelligence, EPIA, LNAI 12981: 53–67, 2021.
L. Scheinert, K. Guffler, J.T. Polak, and M. Bruder. “International development volunteering: An instrument for promoting education in line with the Sustainable Development Goals?”, International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 11(1): 4–28, 2019.
J.T. Polak, K. Guffler, and L. Scheinert. (2017): “weltwärts Volunteers and their Civic Engagement in Germany”, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn, 2017.
L. Scheinert. “Collapsing Discourses in Refugee Protection Policies: Exploring the Case of Germany’s Temporary Humanitarian Admission Programmes”, movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 3(1): 129–140, 2017.
L. Scheinert. “Sichere Einreise: Deutschlands Aufnahmeprogramme für syrische Flüchtlinge 2013–2015 und ihre Folgen für Asylpolitik und Flüchtlingszuwanderung [Safe Entry Routes: Germany’s Admission Programmes for Syrian Refugees 2013–2015 and Their Consequences for Asylum Policy and Refugee Immigration]”, Kurzdossier Flucht und Asyl: Grundlagen, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, April 2016.
Select Conference Appearances
Adjudicating Refugee Claims in Practice: Advocacy and Experience at Asylum Court Appeals, ASYFAIR Conference 2021.
20th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2021.